Update from the Director of Sport
The first full week of term turned out to be very busy, including acquiring some silverware along the way.
Our 1st and 2nd XI football teams were victorious in their respective triangular tournaments, against Cranleigh and Lambrook School. On Thursday, our U9s girls played their first netball match of the season against Hoe Bridge. Friday, there were whole year group matches for the very excited Year 3 pupils against Danes Hill. The boys participated in football whilst the girls played hockey (winning both matches). Also on the same afternoon, there was six Year 5 football matches, hosted at KCS, Wimbledon.
It was a very successful weekend for Cranmore Sport, starting with the 1st VII football team winning the Plate at the Parkside 5-a-side Tournament. On Sunday, our Ski Squad participated in the ESSKIA Qualifiers in Southampton. Both our U12 and U14 Cranmore Team qualified for the Nationals, which will be hosted in Norwich in October. A relatively new competition at the Qualifiers, is the Mixed Teams Competition. The only age category is U19s, but Cranmore were still able to enter a team. I am pleased to say that the team which included Sophie Lovett (aged 9), Isola Rossi (7), Oliver Barrowman (8) and Vinny Cook (10), skied superbly achieving second overall.
At the start of this week our 1st XI Football Team, beat Parkside 4-2 in the Surrey Prep School League, whilst on Tuesday there were four matches against Parkside for the U11s. On the glorious afternoon there was some fantastic football on show, which included quick passing attacking football and solid defending. Cranmore won all the Year group matches, with an aggregate tally of 17 goals scored, with only 2 conceded.
Now that we have had several matches on the Henderson fields this term, it has allowed us to fully appreciate the condition of the pitches. Not only do they look fantastic (with the back drop of the golf course and the Forest School), but the surface allows good passing football. Both Cranmore and visiting parents have been very complimentary regarding the Henderson fields. A big thank you to Mike, Ashley and the rest of the grounds team for providing first class facilities for the children.
Half Term Camp
ESTA Tennis Camp – Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November – Please see flyer – email: esta@effinghamschools.org
Telephone: 01372 452977, Mobile: 07980 604372
To book your place you can either download a → Booking Form, or you may choose to complete an → Online Booking Form instead and make your payment via Paypal.