My child has never been to Nursery, how will you ensure they settle in?

— Our aim is to ensure coming to us is a positive experience. We will discuss suitable arrangements with you before your child joins.

How do I know what my child is doing?

— We keep parents informed at hand-over time, send out a weekly newsletter, and Pre-Nursery children have a day sheet. Each term we invite you to meet your child’s Key Person.

My child still has a sleep in the afternoon, is this possible?

— Every child who needs sleep has their own sheet and comfy mattress. Please see our Sleep Policy.

Do I need to provide my child with a morning snack?

— A fruit snack is provided with milk or water. We are a nut-free zone.

My child is still in nappies, is this a problem?

— No, we work with you regarding toilet training. Nappies, wipes and cream are provided.

Will my child go to Forest School?

— Yes, the children go to the Forest School every week. Check with the Head of Nursery which day of the week so you can plan your sessions.

Is swimming included?

— Yes, each child has the opportunity to swim regularly from September.

Where do I park?

— In the main visitor car park.

What do I need to do if my child is absent from school?

— Please call our office on 01483 280347. If your child is suffering from sickness, diarrhoea, a heavy cold or contagious illness, please keep them off until they are 48 hours free of symptoms

Can my child benefit from The Early Years Free Entitlement (EYFE)?

— Yes, the schedule below sets out the current arrangements.

Your child is eligible for an EYFE:
  •  If your child is born between 1 April and 31 August – 1 September following their third birthday until statutory school age.
  • If your child is born between 1 September and 31 December -1 January following their third birthday until statutory school age.
  • If your child is born between 1 January and 31 March – 1 April following their third birthday until statutory school age.