The Entry Process


Applications for entry to Cranmore can be made for boys and girls at ages 4 to 6 and, for boys at ages 11 and 13. Places for boys at other ages also, occasionally, become available.

The deadline for registration for Year 7 entry is 10th October in the year prior to joining, eg if joining in September 2026, the deadline would be 10th October 2025. Following the closing date, we will contact the boys’ current schools to ask for a reference.

Admissions Process

The admissions process normally begins at least a year prior to entry, with prospective parents and students attending an Open Morning and/or having an individual tour of the school and a meeting with the Headmaster.

Parents who would like their son or daughter to be considered for a place complete a registration form and are asked to pay a non-refundable registration fee.

For the Prep School there are Taster Sessions for Reception entry, Welcome Mornings for entry into Years 1 to 4 and, Assessment Mornings for entry into Years 5 and 6.

11+ Admissions Process

We will be continuing with the ISEB Common Pre-Tests for 11+ and 13+ Pre-Test entry.

All boys sit the online ISEB Common Pre-Tests tests during the first term of Year 6; an age-standardised test for pupils applying for independent senior schools.

The tests comprise English (40 minutes), Mathematics (40 minutes), Non-Verbal Reasoning (30 minutes) and Verbal Reasoning (25 minutes); they are in a multiple-choice format.

No special preparation is required for the Common Pre-Tests, which are designed to identify potential as well as attainment.

Further information about the ISEB Common Pre-Tests can be found on the following → page

The tests are usually sat at the boy’s current school; if current schools are unable to invigilate the tests, boys will be able to sit them at Cranmore on Friday 21st November 2025.

Boys must only sit the ISEB Common Pre-Tests once each academic year. If a boy is sitting the tests for more than one school, the results are provided to all schools to which the boy has applied.

All tests must be completed by our deadline of Friday 21st November 2025 either at current schools or at Cranmore.

All boys will also need to attend Cranmore on Monday 17th November 2025 when they will complete a short piece of creative writing, enjoy some exciting activities, take part in an informal group interview and have lunch. All boys should wear their current school uniform.

Offers of places will be made during the week commencing Monday 1st December 2025.

Successful candidates will be invited back to Cranmore for an Offer Holders’ Day early in the Spring Term 2026.

12+/13+/14+ Entry Information

Candidates visit Cranmore on an individual basis to sit entrance exams in Mathematics, English and Verbal Reasoning. They will also spend break time with students in their current year group. Timings vary per age group but will usually be a 9.00am arrival and, departure between 12.30pm and 1.00pm.


Scholarship Assessments (Art, Drama, Music and Sports) at 11+ are taken at the end of November and will be offered in conjunction with entrance examination results. Acceptances must be received by the school before the first Monday in March. Academic scholarships are awarded based on the performance in the entrance examinations.

Scholarship Assessments (Art, Drama, Music and Sports) at 13+ are taken at the end of November prior to entry. Academic scholarships are awarded based on the performance in the entrance examinations.

Criteria for Admission

Places are offered following the satisfactory completion of examination papers set by the school and receipt of a written confidential report from the Head of their present school. The Headmaster is entitled to take into account any particular attribute of the pupil that suggests they may benefit from the general ethos of the school.

Cranmore is a highly popular school, and we welcome applications from pupils of all abilities, including those with very mild learning difficulties. The Headmaster is, however, entitled to refuse admission to a pupil with special educational needs if he feels the school does not have the provision to assist with those needs.


Cranmore has a policy of encouraging applications from any pupil who would benefit from a place at the school. As part of widening access, bursaries are available at all points of entry and may be up to 50% fees. In addition, there is funding available for short-term bursarial help where parents have experienced unforeseen financial hardship. Means-tested application forms are available from Mrs Norris, Financial Accountant, on


A reduction in fees is offered from Reception upwards (for the second and subsequent children) when two siblings or more are at Cranmore and/or St Teresa’s and/or Manor House at the same time. This will be a 5% discount on the second child, 10% on the third child and, 15% on the fourth and subsequent children.

Pupils who have brothers/sisters at Cranmore and/or St Teresa’s and/or Manor House are, where possible, given priority on entry.
Any bursaries will be applied after the sibling discount.

To register your child for a place at Cranmore please complete and return the Registration Form which can be found at the back of your prospectus or is downloadable here.