Inspection Reports

These reports cover the entire school including our Nursery. We were awarded the top grade in every single aspect of the full inspection.

ISI Inspection Report February 2025
ISI Material Change Report June 2023
ISI Full Inspection Report February 2022
Diocese Inspection Report 2020
Good Schools Guide

I am delighted to share with you our inspection report following the Independent Schools Inspectorate visit in February 2022.
The report is published in two parts: Educational Quality and Focused Compliance.

As part of the Educational Quality Inspection, the inspectors observed lessons and extra-curricular activities, scrutinised books, interviewed staff, met with a wide selection of pupils from across all age ranges and analysed the responses to the pupil, parental and staff questionnaires. The report makes a judgement on the quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements, as well as the quality of their personal development. In both of these areas, Cranmore received the highest possible rating of ‘Excellent’. In addition to the overall judgement of ‘Excellent’, each of the eight sub-categories for these areas was graded ‘Excellent’ – an outcome about which I am immensely proud.

The inspectors identified our pupils as being highly articulate and confident, making rapid progress and relishing the opportunities and challenges that are offered. I am delighted that our pupils have excellent levels of self-confidence and acquire increasingly sophisticated study skills as they move through the school. Inspectors were impressed by the positive, caring and welcoming ethos of Cranmore and highlighted the outstanding contribution pupils make to the lives of others in the school and the wider community.

I am also very pleased to report that in the focused compliance inspection, the school was found to be fully compliant with all regulations. I am sincerely grateful to all our pupils, staff, parents and governors for their incredible commitment to making Cranmore an outstanding school where pupils thrive in a positive, open and supportive environment.

We look forward to building upon this success and strive for pupils to continue developing academically and personally to reach their full potential at Cranmore.

Barry Everitt, Headmaster March 2022